Business Leaders Podcast

Loui McCurley CEO Pigeon Mountain Industries, rope manufacturing, confidence and lessons from working safely from height



Rope manufacturing and lesson learned from working safely at height with Loui McCurley, CEO Pigeon Mountain Industries Coolest company on Earth PMI is a manufacturer of life safety ropes and soft goods, other equipment for work at height We  distribute other gear from people whose products complement our own. So we’re a manufacturer and distributor, as well as an (educator). How Pigeon Mountain Industries started We started down in Georgia, in the heart of what we call “TAG,” Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia. TAG caving area. The founders of our company were all cavers and they wanted a better caving rope to go caving with. What we do Rope manufacturing; we manufacture a kernmantle rope. Kernmantle is a German term and it means core and sheath. So the “kern” is the core, the “mantle” is the sheath. Depending on how much twist or what you do to the design on the inside of the rope, you can really control, you can really