Business Leaders Podcast

Exploring A World of Culture, Oil and Golf with David Allard



  1980 was one of the largest booms ever in the oil and gas business, and David Allard was in the right place at the right time. David just got out of college with a Geology degree and was lucky enough to get a job with only a BS degree and covered twenty plus countries over a twenty plus year period of exploration around the globe that comes with being a geologist in the oil field. Over his career, David has survived five major downturns. David chronicles 30 years of being a geologist in a book called A World of Culture, Oil and Golf which is journal of his life lessons, and business and cultural experiences. David said it’s key to the success for the business to engage the host country and follow the rules and create value for everyone involved. — Watch the episode here: Listen to the podcast: Exploring A World of Culture, Oil and Golf with David Allard We’re fortunate to have (David Allard). He is a chief geologist and author of https://www.ama