Business Leaders Podcast

The Challenges And Perils Of Transition And The Issues Facing Families In Business with Barry Goodman, President SVA



  Sean Hutchinson and Barry Goodman, co-founders and partners with SVA Value Accelerators, do a deep dive continuation of the SVA episode as they talk about the challenges and perils of transition and the issues facing families in business. Sean is an expert in business value acceleration and transition readiness, while Barry is an expert in multigenerational family businesses with an advanced certificate in counseling family-owned businesses. — Watch the episode: Listen to the podcast: The Challenges and Perils Of Transition And The Issues Facing Families In Business with Barry Goodman, President SVA Creating The Path To Higher Valuation with CEO/Partner Sean Hutchinson and Barry Goodman, President/Partner SVA Value Accelerators We’re doing a deep dive continuation with Sean Hutchinson and Barry Goodman, Cofounders and Partners with (SVA Value Accelerators). This is a continuation of the SVA episode. We’re going to dig deeper into this complex topic.