Business Leaders Podcast

Glassical Designs And The Practicalities Of Running A Business With Nora LaMar and Co-Host Catherine Wicklund



  If you do something and you keep doing it, you're going to get better you're going to be able to do it regardless of how hard and risky it is. In this episode, Bob Roark with co-host Catherine Wicklund talk with (Nora LaMar), the CEO of (Glassical Designs) which helps companies design and maintain stellar recognition programs. She talks about her business and who they serve, providing pieces of advice to aspiring business owners on how to become successful. She also shares some of the lessons that she learned from her experiences. She also touches on motivation and the typical misconceptions about the role of a CEO. --- Watch the episode:   Listen to the podcast:[smart_track_player url="" title="Glassical Designs And The Practicalities Of Running A Business With Nora LaMar and Co-Host Catherine Wicklund" image="http://busines