Business Leaders Podcast

Breaking Down The CEO Experience With Patrick Dennis And Cohost Jaime Zawmon



  Being at the top of any team is truly a regaling feeling, but keeping your position also means dealing with loneliness, marketing strategies, and the constant urge to improve. In any CEO experience, a tenacious and curious mindset plays a huge role. Bob Roark is joined by cohost Jamie Zawmon in talking with (Patrick Dennis), the President and CEO of (Aspect Software). Patrick spends some time detailing what it takes to lead a team, from getting rid of the fear of change and learning how to get out of a messy situation in the most optimal way, to the right way to motivate oneself. --- Watch the episode here:[embed][/embed] Breaking Down The CEO Experience With Patrick Dennis And Cohost Jaime ZawmonWe have Patrick Dennis. He's the President and CEO of (Aspect Software). We have my cohost Jaime Zawmon. She is the Founder and President of (Titan CEO).