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Targeted Marketing To Meet Your Business Goals



This week we'll be discussing the ins and outs of marketing. Today's businesses have the luxury of many overlapping marketing tools. Whether it be direct mail, email marketing, online marketing, social media, print and database marketing, your options appear to be endless, but your time is not.What is the most effective strategy? How can I measure my success? Am I in a marketing rut? When was the last time I updated my virtual, social media and brick and mortar campaign inventory for distribution? Do I review my marketing campaigns by tracking analytics, interactions, advertising efficiencies and link backs? Does it take me 30 days to respond to a comment left on my blog? Do I have a blog? Do I need a blog? What the heck is a blog?We'll have the opportunity to ask Josef Katz, president of Katz Direct Marketing. Joe will be sharing his insights from more than 15 years of experience in educational marketing.We would love for you to call in with any questions or comments you have on the topic. Call the hotli