Premature Articulation

Sensuality on the Run



Ever feel like sex is the last thing on the to-do list? Do you sometimes think it is a “have-to” rather than a “get-to”? Sometimes, there’s nothing better than a nooner, especially when that’s all you have time for.Sandy Egge, MS illustrates a game plan to keep things hot while burning the candle at both ends. Sandy is hot. Seriously. At 50 years old and mother of two adult children, most people would never guess that she is a day over 33! Sandy took her skills as an artist/ interior designer to make things look hot and her smokin’ hot body and now as CEO of a natural products company (AlmsBio), her products are hot. When you combine this with the fact that her lover (and co-owner of AlmsBio) have kept things sexy through entrepreneurship, we wanted Sandy to spill her secrets.Sandy holds two nutrition degrees, one from Bastyr University and another from New York Chiropractic College’s School of Applied Clinical Nutrition. Naturally, Sandy will make the point that busy and hot do not have to be mutually exclus