
The GABACast, Episode 143: That Could Have Gone Better



Well, I don't know how else to say this...but that absolutely sucked. I mean, could there have a more South Carolina Gamecock way to lose a football game? Probably not. There's a lot to dive into this week. This episode we have:Joe Montana's still got it...especially when it comes to home invasions.ThE AiR RaId WoN't WoRk In ThE SeC.SEC refs are the worst people at their job that somehow manage to remain gainfully employed.The Wildcats, of the purple variety, pulling off a shocker in Norman.Breaking down the game offensively, defensively, and everything in between.Do the South Carolina Gamecocks stand a chance in Gainesville?Twitter questionsClick here to listen on our iTunes page or hit the play button below to listen in. Either way, make sure you hit that play button. As always, thanks for listening and go Cocks!