Shot By Brock

Ep. 37 Kalkidan Legesse: Fashion, Activism, and the Burden of Responsibility



Life is hard enough as it is. But what kind of person wants to make it harder for themselves by, for example, choosing to set up their own business, rather than just getting a job? And who in their right mind would want to make it even harder by choosing to make it an ethical business, with moral and sustainable practices and supply chains? And what kind of person would choose to do this in a world that is designed to make it harder for them – a world designed for white, middle class men, when they are not a white middle class man? I am a white, middle class man. And I have, many times, struggled to simply get by in a system that was designed for people who look like me. So I’ve always wondered how people find success. Particularly people who choose to do it against even tougher odds than I have faced, and who choose to do it morally, and with decency. I have huge respect for everyone who chooses to go it alone, but even bigger respect for those who don’t look like me, who don’t have the advantages that peopl