Shot By Brock

Ep. 40 Kerry Howard: Energy, Attachment and Taking Up Space



Us humans have a great tendency to attach our identities to our circumstances, our past, our jobs or obligations, to the extent that it’s easy to lose sight of who we really are. We become victims of misfortune, defined by our careers, or unable to see where we end and the struggles we have to endure begin. It’s so easy to forget that behind all of these things, all of these ideas that we cling on to, is a unique individual, with as much right to be here as anyone else. Each of us is as valid and significant as anyone else – whether that might be The Queen, Donald Trump, Robert De Niro or Mother Theresa. We all have just as much right to exist, to be, and to take up space as anyone else. I chatted about ideas like this with the actor Kerry Howard. She generously gave up her time to share her own experiences dealing with imposter syndrome, letting go of negative identities that don’t serve us, and making the difficult decisions that are sometimes necessary to find happiness and peace in our lives. Useful links