Freedom Thru Speech

Going for the Win in 2010: The New Year, Better You Show



With our first show of the new year, we plan to work on a game plan for success for 2010. First, let’s continue our discussion on single women looking for Mr. Right - is it really an epidemic or is it just sexy marketing? Certified life coach and matchmaker Paul Brunson of will be on hand to help us with this hot potato as will always intelligent blogger Tracy Renee Jones from and It’s 2010, and African Americans excelling in every field, however, the images and representations of our community in the media remain negative. Where to point the finger? Or should we just look in the mirror? We also cannot forget that our co-host Michele Grant just published her first book, Heard It All Before, which hit book stores January 1st. We'll take the time to discuss her new book. Max Reddick and RiPPa are on the mic as well. So all we really need now is you… Tune in and speak up because on Freedom Through Speech Radio… the floor is yours.