Belief Radio

Spiritual Awakening: Being True to Yourself... Life is for LIVING!



How would you know if you are becoming more spiritually aware? In this weeks show, dated 12th March 2012, Phil Keeler explores with author of 'Strip Naked: In Truth is Freedom' and Belief Global Founder, Rich Smith, what spiritual awakening really means, how can we find our inner self and connect with a higher power other than ourselves to feel totally at one and in sync. Do you know who you really are? Are you living in alignment with your highest self? Do you yearn to be living a different kind of lifestyle closer to your own inner values?   The world is ever changing and humanity is constantly evolving through self-discovery and shared inter-action with others in all walks of life. As we become more self-aware and conscious of who we really are, we also discover what really matters to us and, in turn, our desire to live a life which is fully aligned, balanced and memorable, increases. Rich explains the 12 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening to give you a chance to identify where you are in your own jo