Belief Radio

How to Sustain a Happy Relationship



So you've manifested your dream partner, you've successfully navigated the first date and are now living your dream enjoying a special relationship filled with love and laughter. So how do you sustain the happy relationship over a longer period of time? In this weeks show, dated 2nd April 2012, Belief Radio Producer, Phil Keeler, seeks the answers with Belief Global Founder, Rich Smith. How successful are you at maintaining a happy relationship? Are you actually happy in your current relationship? What can you do to ensure your relationship continues to be special and keep evolving?  Rich reveals 8 key criteria that, when applied regularly, will help transform happiness in relationships. Good foundations are important for most things in life and the show explores how important communication really is and tackles some of the key questions and challenges most people encounter when they tread the path to true love. What needs do you have in your relationship? We are all emotional beings, no two individuals ar