Gruesome Gossip: Horror Movie Talk

Suspense Magazine's John Raab And More



This will be Gruesome Gossip's (horror movie talk podcast) second episode off the heels on a historic premier a week and a half prior! Join your hosts MELINA WHITE and TODD FRIZZELL as we are joined by Suspense Magazine's John Raab discussing his horror magazine as well as other horror movie related topics. After the interview we will discuss numerous topics including more on Scream 4 upcoming, SAW 3D (non-spoiler), Paranormal Activity 2 (non-spoiler), and more classic horror movie moments! In honor of the holiday season and the month of December we will be reviewing Christmas/winter horror films all month and this week's movie review will be Steven King's Misery! We encourage you to CALL IN and share YOUR opinions and thoughts TOLL FREE @ 1 (619) 393-6766... BE THERE IF YOU DARE!!!!! LOVE FEAR LISTEN HERE!!!!!