Gruesome Gossip: Horror Movie Talk

Black Christmas 1974 vs. 2006 Remake And More



This week Gruesome Gossip horror movie talk podcast will present its fifth episode featuring your hosts, TODD FRIZZELL and MELINA WHITE, comparing and contrasting the 1974 and 2006 version of Black Christmas! Did the remake live up to the original??? Also we will go into more in depth discussion of Saw 3D in theaters (non-spoiler), Paranormal Activity 2 in theaters as well (non-spoiler), and the upcoming Scream 4. We will also incorporate classic horror movie quotes, moments, songs, and more. We encourage you to CALL in and voice YOUR opinions! BE THERE IF YOU DARE! LOVE FEAR LISTEN HERE! This will be the last episode of this year's "Creepy Christmas"! Don't miss out! MERRY SCARY CHRISTMAS!!!!!