Belief Radio

The Great River Race London



The Great River Race takes place on Saturday 15th September 2012 in London, UK and is one of the biggest and most spectacular all-comer boat competitions in the country with some 2,400 competitors and over 300+ different boats from all over the world (including Viking long boats, skiffs, Naval whaling boats, dragon boats and even bronze Greek galleys!) travelling over 20 miles along the river Thames in the heart of London. In this weeks show, Belief Radio Producer, Phil Keeler finds out more about the amazing 'Flying Fish' team participating in The Great River Race, coached by Tim 'Mr Enthusiasm' Smith, and discusses the forthcoming spectacle, the positive impact of sport and the Olympic legacy with Belief Global Founder, Rich Smith.   When you are READY to maximise success and happiness in your own life, read Rich Smith’s transformational book ‘STRIP NAKED: IN TRUTH IS FREEDOM’ and be the person you were always born to be. Take the free‘LIFE CIRCLE CHALLENGE’ to help inspire and motivate you to even gre