
Meet the Candidates for AAJA President



  The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) will hold elections for the positions of President, Vice President for Broadcast and Treasurer. Candidates elected to these volunteer positions begin their two-year terms on January 1, 2013. For this forum, AAJA members get to meet the candidates for president: Paul Cheung and Janet H. Cho. The second forum with the candidates for vice president for broadcast and treasurer is Wednesday, May 23, noon PDST.Click here for candidate statements and election information.AAJA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional and educational organization with over 1,400 members across the United States and in Asia. Founded in 1981, AAJA has been at the forefront of change in the journalism industry. AAJA's mission is to provide a means of association and support among Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) journalists; provide encouragement, information, advice and scholarship assistance to AAPI students who aspire to professional journalism careers; provide to the AAPI co