Sex Talk with Lou

Stephen Braveman LMFT, D.S.T., Healing male sexual abuse



My guest will be Monterey, CA based LMFT and D.S.T., Stephen Braveman. A multi-talented sexuality therapist who specializes in a wide variety of psychological and sexual issues. We will start with the heavy stuff and discuss his work with men who are Adults Molested as a Child and his part in Oprah’s final show featuring men who had been sexually abused. We’ll talk about the healing and hope in the PSA “You are Not Alone” from the Monterey Rape Crisis Center. Stephen also specializes in gender and transgender issues and also presents on the Sacred Sexuality/Tantra connection. He is the co-author of CPR for Your Sex Life which is like having a sex therapist’s reference manual in your hands. Divided into the C’s, P’s and R’s it is A Guide and Workbook for Couples to breathe life into a Dead, Dying or Dull Sex Life.,, 831-375-7553