Cottage Garden Party

Episode 6 - Chaenomeles, Clematis and Spring Suggestions



Chaenomeles speciosa, one of the first bloomers of Spring when it comes to shrubbery. Learn how to grow it by clicking the link. Mrs. Know It All shares her thoughts on Clematis. Learn more about this needed climber in the garden by clicking here You can listen to Mrs.Know It All on The Organic Gardener on from 7 -8 on Sunday mornings. Click here or here for more details. Bloomin PGC Growers Workshop is Saturday, January 30, 2020, from 9 - 11. Register to attend by clicking on the link Need to know more about Pitt Moss, click here Learn more about Bluestone Perennials by clicking here What is the Garden Bloggers Fling? Click here to find out more. I ask that you continue to follow me: Https:// and Twitter: @cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInTheCourt, and sometimes on Medium: Cottage In The Court If you would like to stay in the know, please subscribe to Apple Podcasts. In the like you mean it! Teri, Cottage In The Court #gardencomm