Ruin My Life

Episode 21: Watchmen



Jason's Journal. June 23rd, 2017: Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. Totally gross, major bummer. Almost threw up right there on the street. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are like nose of the face and the gutters are like the eyes. No, wait, maybe the manhole covers are the eyes, and the subway is the mouth. But then what are the buildings? Are they, like, hair? What was I talking about? Oh, right. The accumulated filth of sex and murder. Well, ANYWAY, to make a long story short, eventually it's all gonna foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout, "save us," and I'll ... I'll ... ... okay, I'll be honest. I did throw up earlier, when I saw that dead dog. And I cried a little, too.