Your Choice - Making The Best Choice!

CHOICE 0069: Lamar Kukuk, “It’s not the movie I wrote it’s the movie ‘WE’ made”



Lamar Kukuk is an actor, writer, fanboy, and Pennsylvania’s longest-tenured Texas Rangers fan. In 2017, one of his screenplays finally got the green light when his adaptation of Ron James' autobiography Choices (2018) was filmed in Huntington, West Virginia with Lamar playing the role of Steve Sands. For more information about Lamar, please visit learn more about Choices Movie please visit www.yourchoicefoundation.orgSPONSOR OF THE SHOW – Make Your Best ChoiceHave you ever wonder, "How Average People Are Making $100 - $1000 + Per Day Without Tech Skills or Ever Needing To Create A Product?". And you ask yourself, "How You Can Do The Same?"... My friend Zach Crawford is going to teach you how to become a super affiliate and create a passive income business online. Please visit and learn more how you create a passive income! Do you want to share your story to help others? If you are interested to be a guest on Your Choice Show please email john.rinaldo@you