Gut Talk

How to Treat IBS



Are you part of the 1 billion people in the world who have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? How did you feel when you received your diagnosis? Were you hopeful that you would be given a treatment that would cure you of your symptoms? I know I was. However, no such thing exists.Why? Because IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Your doctor has ruled out all other diseases and you’re left with a bunch of symptoms without a known cause. All of the medications available for IBS are designed to help with the symptoms; they are not designed to cure you of the underlying cause. And in my case, the medicines didn’t help.Fortunately, that is all changing. Research is confirming that we may actually know the cause of IBS. To make the long story short, it appears that IBS may actually be SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).