Boners Of The Heart Podcast

Nature vs Nurture vs Is Rose A Psychopath



SPONSORED BY KARMA COLA In this third episode of the Boners of The Mind series, Alice and Rose set out to answer whether human nature exists. Is there such a thing? Does nature or nurture form you? Let's not spend TOO long on that because we need to find out if Rose is a psychopath or just a lateral thinker, whether the $8 magic potion Alice drunk from a crystal loving 'spiritual woman' is legit and what Tom Hanks' little known medical condition is. Plus how young is tragically young to be on a diet? Is beauty objective? And finally, will your body plug itself if you have a period and go into water? LET'S FIND OUT in the latest Boners of The Mind. Trailer: The Males Gayz  See for privacy and opt-out information.