Boners Of The Heart Podcast

Weiner's Got Game



SPONSORED BY KARMA COLA Your girls are BACK, BABIES! Season Three kicks off by returning to the Boner roots - human beings that Rose and Alice would like to bone. This week, political targets. Former US Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, US Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, that teacher from Glee (OK, not 100% political). Also up for discussion - Does this podcast pass the Bechdel Test yet? Has Alice been brainwashed by the feminist agenda and what crazy diet is she on? How did Rose get on when trying to befriend some random Chicagoans? (Spoiler: not well). If you're favourite pair of self-esteem challenged podcast hosts bringing you the good word in the world of Boning. Trailer: Worst Idea of All Time  See for privacy and opt-out information.