Relaxed Homeskool Talk Radio

Relaxed Homeschooler show #10



The first minute there are technical difficulties. Keep listening and you'll hear the whole show! To follow the art lesson visually with this recording go to the webcam Jeffus of Visual Mann will be the main guest this week. Sharon has been teaching homeschoolers art classes for many years in her signature gentle way. She combines art with history and other topics and at the same time shares her skills and conveys her message that art is a process that is an adventure to explore.On this show she will be teaching an art lesson live, so get your kids in to the act. All they'll need is a pencil and paper, but if you have Skype (details forthcoming)they will be able to follow along with links and visual feedback.Dayna Martin will be joining us this show as well to share information about her new Youtube series about unschooling. It'll be a fun show!We especially welcome young callers with questions about art!