Street Lives

Episode 4 - Interview with Kimmy Siebens (ICU Nurse and "Their Voice" Founder)



Street Lives with Cody Clark gives a glimpse into the life on the streets that explores youth homelessness in the state of Washington. We invite you to walk with us through this journey that will follow the youth we serve and those that love them.  In this episode, Cody interviews Kimmy Siebens of "Their Voice" ( a nonprofit that advocates for people experiencing homelessness and animal rights) and is a Nurse in the Covid-19 ICU in Seattle. We talk about the seriousness of Covid-19, her nonprofit and why she does the work that she does. Cody also discusses the "Hard Conversation: Darrell and Daniel Talk About Racism" event that is happening on the Coffee Oasis facebook page on May 16th, 2020 at 9:00am. Daniel Frederick is the Executive Director of the Coffee Oasis and Darrell Thomas is the Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Coffee Oasis. Please join them as they discuss the death of Ahmaud Arbery, how  Jesus would view racism, how Darrell responded to the death of Ahmaud and so much mor