Strategic Growth Concepts For Small Business

The Legal Aspects of Starting a Business - How to Prevent Pain & Expense in the Future



So you're starting a new business and you can't wait to get started - but have you covered yourself legally? Do you know the differences between a corporation, a partnership, or a sole proprietorship? Which one gives you the best advantages? Which one will best protect you and the business down the road? Which one can save you from over-paying your taxes? If you can't answer these questions on your own - and be absolutely certain of the answers, then this episode of Strategic Growth Concepts for Small Business is for you! Our expert will provide this information and more to help you make these decisions, and prevent losses down the road. Our panel includes: Rebecca Turner, an attorney with Maddin, Hauser, Wartell, Roth & Heller, P.C.; Bernie O'Meara, Partner with Principal Financial Services; and James Voigt, an attorney with Lavelle Law Ltd.