Ruby Bedi

Transparency is the New Norm



Transparency is the finest quality of consciousness which allows us to see right through our inner and outer natures. In this state, you can see everything, agendas, emotions, thoughts and all things hidden, without judgement, known as the Gaze of God. Why should we be transparent? When we become transparent we experience increased tolerance, a sense of togetherness and safer communities, which all work towards a more sustainable planet for us to enjoy. We all want fast and healthy personal, spiritual and financial growth, so how do we get there? We are now living our humanity in a brand new way and it demands we shift our focus from the Individual to the Community so we can create high-grade building blocks for a true democratic society built on the foundation of transparency. Dont confuse transparency with truth, authenticity, or even honesty. Its none of those things, its much more than a quality we use when its convenient, its a state of being. Its a greater truth, one we must know if we are to be better