Unemployment Advice

Unemployment Advice - College undergraduates and MBA



NOTE NEW TIME FOR THIS WEEK 1PM. This week join your host Tom Radcliff as he focuses in the college market. While thousands of college students are heading back to school, the 2009 graduating class is still looking for jobs. Both Undergraduates and MBA grads are having a tough time standing out in this crowded job market. CEO Tom Truitt and CMO Paul Sanderson talk about how you should position yourself and what you can do to help standout. Between the two, they represent 31 years of headhunter and recruiting experience and Mr. Sanderson has been speaking directly with colleges to understand exactly whats happening with large corporate employers. Why are the law firms hiring? How many of the Fortune 500 companies are showing up at schools and if there is a job out there...what do "you" need to do to present yourself to these companies.