Electric Fabric Podcast

ELECTRIC FABRIC Podcast 026 mixed by Niko - Trance & Acid Classics Special



Für den Podcast Numero 26 haben wir mal in unserem Archiv-Keller gestöbert und ein Trance & Acid Set von Niko aus dem Jahre 2004 ausgegraben. Voller Perlen der damaligen Zeit, ob Dumonde, Kay Cee, Kai Tracid, Ultra Shock oder Warmduscher - Liebhaber der guten, alten, harten Trance & Acid Zeit kommen voll auf ihre Kosten! --- For our podcast 26 we rummaged in our archive-basement and grubbed out a Trance & Acid set by Niko from the year 2004. Full of perls of the former time: from Dumonde, Kay Cee, Kai Tracid, Ultra Shock or Warmduscher - lovers of the good old hard Trance & Acid time will receive full return for their investment (of time)! Tracklist: 01. Tracid Traxxx EP Vol. 1 - Tracid Traxxx Intro 02. Kai Tracid - Bad Shape 03. Dumonde - Ich will raus / Cold 04. Red Light District - Did You Hear Me? 05. Kay Cee - Escape (Kay Cee Electro Mix) 06. Farrago - Union 07. Michael Woods - 25th Hour 08. Alphazone - Flashback 09. Kindervater - ftp://013.07.974 10. Kai Tracid - Drift Deep Into Your