Electric Fabric Podcast

ELECTRIC FABRIC Podcast 043 mixed by Bek + Guestmix by Moses



Spring is knocking on your door and its's time for the March edition of the EF Podcast, catalogue number 043. We keep up the diversity of electronic music with this months episode focused on Techno. First hour mixed by EF-resident Bek and second hour delivered by Berlin-based Moses. Moses Mix is a live recorded set from the Ausser Kontrolle Party (March '14) in cologne. We have asked Moses a few questions, the whole interview will be up soon in the News section at www.electricfabric.de …Make sure to check that! Bek delivered a more technoid set this time, in March it's all about Techno at the EF-headquarter! Enjoy some driven beats! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Der Frühling klopft an die Tür und diesen Monat widmen wir Techno im EF Podcast, Katalognummer 043. Wir bleiben unserer Vielfalt treu und haben uns einen entsprechenden Gast-DJ mit dem entsprechenden Techno-Attribut eingeladen. Die erste Stunde übernimmt unserer EF-Resident Bek, Stunde zwei üb