Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

The 100 Book Challenge: The Culture Map by Erin Meyer



In this episode of the 100 Book Challenge series, Tom Fox and Nick Gallo are talking about Erin Meyer’s book, The Culture Map. They discuss the dynamic of culture. Tom asks how a Chief Compliance Officer can communicate effectively within a multinational organization. Nick shares the eight axes that make up a culture from the book. He adds that understanding differing cultural norms and dynamics, and being able to communicate within that realm, is important for compliance practitioners.  Erin Meyer is a professor at INSEAD Business, based in Paris. Her work focuses on how the world’s most successful leaders navigate cultural differences in a multicultural environment. Listeners can read Nick’s notes on this book at his LinkedIn page. Resources Tom Fox on LinkedIn | Twitter Nick Gallo on LinkedIn The Culture Map by Erin Meyer Texas Tax rate at 80% of 8.25%