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Episode 92: Addiction in the Cage



This week's show covers much news including the continuing debate on statin drugs and heart health, Thanksgiving calories, Silicon Valley's artificial egg, the unknowns in addiction psychology. The Moment of Paleo segment offers ideas on wealth. After the Bell includes segments from Vandana Shiva and Alice Waters — they talk about real food from the vantage point of an activist and of a chef. Links for this episode:Report: American People Lead World In Compressing Big Sandwiches So They’re Bitable | Video | The Onion - America's Finest News SourceMore than half of cholesterol guideline committee found to have conflicts of interest | Dr Briffa's Blog - A Good Look at Good HealthStatins drug debates | Watch the video - Yahoo News CanadaTick criteria (Before, Internet Archive)Tick criteria (After, current website)The impact of low serum triglyceride on LDL-ch... [Arch Iran Med. 2008] - PubMed - NCBIAcquitted of cholesterol guideline insubordinationThere's How Many Calories In A Thanksgiving Dinner