Delight Your Marriage

274-For 28 years It Was a Duty...Then a Miracle. Interview with Darcy



Darcy is a busy business owner, mother, and grandmother--married 28 years.  She loves God and has had a better than average marriage all that time. A friend of hers invited her to listen to the podcast--saying it had brought them to tears.  And when she listened, she too was brought to tears with a very different understanding of intimacy than she had ever realized.  God did an utter miracle in her heart and her marriage. For days she had a voracious appetite for intimacy with her husband. She says it gave her insight into how a man feels all the time. And she feels a oneness with him she's never felt previously. Her husband changed! His low-grade depression disappeared! He is becoming a better father and man of faith. He is thriving before her eyes. Their daughter even asked: "Mom, what happened to dad??" If you're a wife, I encourage you to listen with an open heart. God may want to speak to you through Darcy's story of love for Jesus. Which fueled a change of heart towards her husband.  I encourage you, if