
14: Don't Run A Sh*tty Company



Dan is joined by David Heinemeier Hansson, Shlok Vaidya, Producer Haddie Cooke to discuss telecommuting vs. being in the office. Note: This episode contains some strong language. Links for this episode:Marissa Mayer Is Wrong: Working From Home Can Make You More Productive - Derek Thompson - The AtlanticHere's the Internal Yahoo No-Work-From-Home Memo - Kara Swisher - News - AllThingsDGet Off of Your Cloud - NYTimes.comMany women were appalled at the Yahoo news, noting that Mayer, with her penthouse atop the San Francisco Four Seasons, her Oscar de la Rentas and her $117 million five-year contract, seems oblivious to the fact that for many of her less-privileged sisters with young children, telecommuting is a lifeline to a manageable life. If Marissa Mayer Were A Man — I.M.H.O. — MediumMarissa Mayer does not have an easy job. She has been charged with turning around a company that has been in flux for some time. Everyone knows that in order to shrink overhead, you need to get rid of dead weight Get Off o