Hormones Spoken Here

The Paleo Diet with Loren Cordain, Ph.D.



Tonight Professor Loren Cordain, Ph.D., joins Dr Howard Liebowitz M.D. and co-host Kelly Pappas to discuss the Paleo Diet.Dr. Cordain's popular book, The Paleo Diet, has been widely acclaimed in both the scientific and lay communities. Loren Cordain is widely acknowledged as one of the world's leading experts on the natural human diet of our Stone Age ancestors. He is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles and abstracts. His research into the health benefits of Stone Age Diets for contemporary people has appeared in the world's top scientific journals including the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the British Journal of Nutrition, and the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition among others.Dr. Liebowitz is internationally recognized for his expertise in combining the most effective treatments offered by advanced science with foundational natural and functional medicine. He believes that by replacing missing hormones (hormone balancing and replacement), removing toxic chemicals,