Lydias Ladies

Where do you want to grow and glow closer to God this year?



What are your faith goals for this year? Where do you want to grow closer to God? Who do you want to see God move powerfully in their life? Thanks so much for listening to this podcast. I love to help women grow closer to God daily and I talk about God, the Bible my thoughts and I speak to some amazing women who have been impacted by God, his love in their life.  So please, please, please, please like, share, comment or do a review for this podcast. I really want to impact many more women who need to walk closer with God daily. If you are someone who wants to strengthen their walk with God and you need some help. Please let's sit down, study the Bible over frothy hot chocolate, lets make it happen and just really encourage one another to live well here on earth so we can be unified in the word and get each other to Heaven.  That's my goal, that's my dream and that's definitely God's one too.  So my love if you want to organise a bible study this week, please email me on lydiasladies@yaho