Cottage Garden Party

Episode 37 - Garden Thoughtfully with Heather Andrews, GardenComm, International, and Giving Thanks...



Looking for local information about pollinators? check out my blogpost about Cavano's Perennials. They are known in the Mid Atlantic for quality plant material. Located in Kingsville, Maryland, the beautiful drive makes it worthwhile for contactless shopping after ordering online.  GardenComm, International (formerly known as GardenComm) has been a part of my life since 2015. As a budding Garden Writer, and communicator, the relationships I have been wonderful. Meeting people in this industry that I love has been quite an asset in my personal development to share the love of gardening.  The conferences I have attended, the regional meetings, and community connectivity to other people in horticulture have allowed me to tap into a wealth of resources. If you are interested in growing your voice as a garden communicator or know of someone else who might want to expand their circle of like-minded garden communicators,  check out GardenComm. One of our newest members is my guest today. Heather Andre