Mj Podcast

Choosing YOU this holiday season!



It's been such a memorable year, for so many reasons, both painful, and others joyful. Eddie and Justin are joined by Lucio for 2020’s final episode of The Queer Talk Show. They share their insights about what it means to gift yourself the present of presence this holiday season, to yourself, and to the people that mean most to you! Check out JedNorth.com And when you check out, use our Queer Network Promotional Code: QNetwork20 Lucio Nieto | Conscious Creator Lucio is an eclectic creative artist. From acting to directing for both stage and screen, multi-media photography + design, and experience as a national coach for aspiring youth in the creative arts, his alignment within the work addresses both the human and spiritual journey. Within two decades of his artistic pursuits, he’s acquired both certifications in ministry and Reiki energy healing, serving as an ordained minister and Reiki practitioner in our communities. Nieto hosts the podcast “Light Talk With Lucio” to continue bridging the gap betwe