Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast

Ep 3:17 How not to leave Thousands of Dollars on the table at the End of the Year!



Welcome to Season 3, Episode 17 of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast!  This week the Millionaire Car Salesman himself, Sean V. Bradley & L.A. Williams explain how At the end of the year it is crucial to review all your processes and make sure you don't leave ANY cash on the table! Sean & L.A. explain in detail some of the most successful key points that have worked for them, pass this knowledge on to you, giving you examples of how they and their clients WIN!.   #AutoSales #AutomotiveIndustry  #Marketing #DigitalMarketing #AutomotiveSales #CarSales #PersonalDevelopment #MillionaireCarSalesman #Podcast  #OrangeTie #DealerSynergy #BradleyOnDemand  #BlindPhoneMaster  #BDC For More Free Resources and Knowledge: Dealer Synergy | The Automotive Industry's #1 Training, Consulting & Accountability Firm Check Out The #1 Virtual Training Platform for Automotive Professionals Join the Millionaire Car Salesman Facebook Group