Sex Manswers

Ep 92) On Your Knees Ladies



If your partner loves to receive oral sex then oral sex is not optional. Oral sex is great both as a stand-alone act or as foreplay. As foreplay, it's a way to tease him up a little bit and desensitize him so he lasts longer during penetration so that you have enough time or have an orgasm. As a stand-alone act, oral sex is a way to relieve sexual tension if you don't have a lot of time in your busy schedule that day. If you like to receive oral sex then you should be willing to perform oral sex on your spouse otherwise you're just being selfish in bed. I don't mean half-assing it either, when you go down on your partner you're to give it your best efforts. The more motivated you are, the better you perform oral sex on your partner the quicker they will get off and the less time you will be on your knees.