"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

The Happy Squire with Chad David



Excited for this Friday’s Part 2 interview with author, Chad David Tomlinson, who partnered with Rita Carrey (my guest of last week) on his amazing book, The Happy Squire: Christmas Stories to Encourage & Inspire! I am especially interested to learn Chad’s perspective (he is also a Psychotherapist) on how to keep the ‘Merry’ Alive during a global Pandemic. A NOT-TO-BE-MISSED Show on my C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network Host Page!! Chad David has three Masters Degrees (because he makes bad life choices…minus marrying his wife). He writes a weekly blog, www.ChadDavid.ca, (he’s that cool) that helps him grow as a psychotherapist and be a better person. Rita Carrey is co-host of the Pete and Reet Show, singer, and former co-host of several radio programs. Despite facing some intense health issues and personal tragedies, Rita looks forward to seeing all the joys and challenges life has to offer. The Happy Squire: Christmas Stories to Encourage & Inspire is a collection of the greatest Christmas stories ever publishe