
#0410: NETWORKS: Sigve Brekke: «The Perfect Storm»



How has its Scandinavian corporate culture given Telenor a competitive advantage when doing business in Asia? What is «the perfect storm» of technologies, and why does it matter to all of us? In this episode of LØRN Silvija talks to Telenor Group CEO Sigve Brekke, about how Telenor is working to connect their customers to who and what matters most. — We see that the combination of 5G networks and IoT sensors and technology will accelerate the use and influence of Artificial Intelligence. These three tech components: AI, IoT and 5G network will create what we call «the perfect storm». When these elements come together and everything and everyone is connected, we get huge amounts of data that can be put through powerful cloud computers and analyzed through AI. We will see that there are endless opportunities, but also significant threats coming out from that, he says.You will LØRN about: ● Culture ● 5G ● Diversity ● Developing cities ● Gender balance ● Leadership ● «The p