Street Writers

Street Writers - Two Words from South Park



"Take A Swing At This" comes courtesy of the creative duo behind South Park, two simple words that Dan thinks can make all the difference in between your storytelling beats. Then Mark straps on his Esquire skis for "They Beat Us To The Punch", with a hellacool bit of heliskiing writing. And in a quick "Hit Us With Your Best Shot", Dan jabs at turning the idea of a "definite chief aim" into a story for an upcoming motivational panel; while Mark lands a one-two-three punch of  short stories,  film festival entries, and more audio drama in Grease, Grit and Crime in COVID Time. Dig what you hear? Leave a review. Subscribe! And invite new listeners to join in: Hit us with questions, comments, whatever you got at: Plus send us an audio message so we can get your comments in future episodes: #amwriting #writing #keepwriting #writingtips #creativity #productivity #streetwriting