Street Epistemology

Ep 416: Interview | Dr. Peter Boghossian and Anthony Magnabosco | Perplexity (Bridging the Chasm)



Street Epistemology: Bridging the Chasm | (Perplexity) With Dr. Peter Boghossian and Anthony Magnabosco Summary: Dr. Peter Boghossian asked me to join one of his classes to speak on atheism and Street Epistemology, and we ended up having a truly amazing and honest discussion. I hope people will give both of us the utmost charity with our stated views, and if you would like to challenge them, please consider becoming familiar with this wonderful method of dialectical interaction that has seemingly unbelievable potential for drastically improving humanity. Video unavailable out of respect for the students (sorry I didn't get to your questions). Location: San Antonio, Texas Recorded: 28 October 2020 Released: 3 November 2020 per·plex·i·ty /per'pleksede/ noun 1. inability to deal with or understand something complicated or unaccountable. 2. an entangled state. "Faith is what allows people to smuggle in insufficient evidence to support their claim." "Faith is what allows people to smuggle in evidence that is