Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

36: Steve Boerner | Founder of Hatch House Ventures



Hatch House Ventures is a growing network of university affiliated startup incubators, providing services as well as software. #Timestamp 00:45- Pending If Steve Is Emotional Eating…Pizza. If Not, Steve Likes to Cook 02:30- Introduction 14:30- When Was The Ah-Ha Moment 18:30- Biggest Failure 20:00- Habits That Steve Learned From His Travels 24:15- Resources To Get In The Right Mindset 25:40- Don’t Settle and Validate Your Assumptions Without Emotions 28:30- How Far Can You Take Passion Don’t Settle Steve went off what he considers the deep end, but it worked for him. By traveling for over 8 months across the world, it allowed Steve to find himself. During his travels, Steve cut off everything off, and he means everything. The lease on his apartment, the selling of all of his belongings, his girlfriend at the time, and we are sure much more was let go. Steve’s goal in traveling was the thought of being “35,45,55 and not being fulfilled. Pursue your passion and you will find ways to get revenue.” Says Steve. Va