Magic Of The Spheres Podcast

19. Cultivating Eroticism with Morgan Hopson



I had a fun conversation with Morgan Hopson about cultivating sexiness and eroticism. Morgan is a Taurus and the Taurus archetype is about intimacy with the self and with the environment… so it’s really cool to hear a Taurus Sun talk about having an erotic relationship to the fabric of reality and the whole environment, like the way clothes feel on our skin, or the smells we take in around us, or the things that catch our eye in a room and excite us — and not just erotics with a particular person, though these erotic relationships with other people are extensions of the erotic energy that we cultivate within ourselves. We talked about the importance of value of cultivating the erotic and you’ll find some activating, grounding advice in this episode about how to increase intimacy with yourself and by extension your relationship to the rest of the world around you.Morgan’s coaching websiteFeed Your Desire: Sexuality, Food, Body Image and Creativity event - Facebook and EventbriteFollow Morgan on instagram @ashe