Magic Of The Spheres Podcast

25. Healing, Wholing, and the Underworld with Erica Jones Part 2



Part 2 - Erica’s astrology work is titled Real Imaginal which is a project about “revitalizing the human relationship to the planetary archetype of Neptune”, which she writes is a “process of re-enchantment, defined in part by the attempt to regain a sense of belonging in a living, aware cosmos.” If you visit her website at, you can take a pretty deep dive with her on what it means to be re-enchanted, and as you’ll find out in this episode, Erica is a really deep perceiver and thinker. This conversation opened me up to new ways of thinking about one of my biggest planetary companions, Pluto :) and as a very Plutonic person myself that was also healing, to understand from a new angle why I’ve felt and perceived so *intensely* my whole life and why that has put me on a personal development path and driven my interest in the esoteric. Now as an astrologer practicing Pluto-centered astrology I spend so much time with Pluto that this conversation had a way of supercharging me and I trust will also