Magic Of The Spheres Podcast

32. The Taurus-Scorpio Mysteries with Arakai Moon Part Two



Taurus and Scorpio are a tantric axis - Taurus is sensual, yes, and Scorpio sexual. (Though they are both, both.) Taurus relates to our relationship with ourself and our environment, and how complete we can be in ourselves yet receptive to resource, pleasure, and simply feeling good in our bodies and feeling rooted in our self-worth. Scorpio relates to our “urge to merge” - our desires and drives that compel us, perhaps obsess us. The conversation between the two signs can determine how magnetic we are, how receptive we are to receiving what we actually desire versus how stagnant and blocked we might be. The conversation between these two signs also relate to our clarity and commitment to value, versus our entanglement and involvement with toxicity just bc it’s all we know or all we think we are worth. I couldn’t be more excited to share a conversation about Taurus and Scorpio with you that I had with fellow astrologer Arakai Moon of Star Siren Astrology. Arakai Moon is a shamanic bodyworker an