Frakkin Nerds

#107 - The Fapping of the Nerds



On this Week Show, The Fapping, Leaked celebrity photos, Art Gallery, Fans suing Apple over Breaking Bad, Margaret Atwood joins the Future Library Project, Shadow of the Colossus movie, Rock is Black Adam, Margot Robbie to play in Ghost in the Shell, The Walking Dead spin-off, FXX and the Simpsons record breakers, Supergirl TV series, Greg Capullo going to relaunch The Creech, Destiny, Destiny Cologne! All this and more on the Frakkin NerdsTwitter Question : What video game are you looking forward to this year?Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and our website or email us at FrakkinNerds@gmail.comLive every Sunday at 2pm on Spreaker.comJoin us on twitter at @FrakkinNerdsFacebook at visit our website at www.FrakkinNerds.comFind us on (Live every Sunday at 2pm ET) or on iTunes Podcast. You can also find the show on Stitcher and Podfeed. Also , Leave us a voice mail at 931-279-NERD (6373)